The use of pornography is becoming an ever-bigger concern in our world today. It is more easily available than ever, with no signs of slowing down. Because of the easy availability, people have greater access to it at even younger ages, which is especially dangerous couple’s when we consider healthy sexual development – access to porn at key developmental stages can produce neurological changes in brain structure that “wire” us to certain forms of stimulation. Along with needing particular kinds of stimulation for sexual arousal, for certain individuals, more stimulation may be needed for a “normal” response – a “pornification” if you will of natural, healthy sexual desire.
Porn can be a healthy part of a sexual relationship. But when one partner wants to utilize porn more than the other and/or the use of porn begins to replace the intimacy that used to exist in the relationship, porn becomes a problem.
If your relationship to pornography feels out of control – either because of the impact on your relationship with your partner or it is creeping into other areas of your life (i.e., taking work time to view porn or more money than you like being spent buying access to porn), it is time to get help.